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How to Create a Strike Staffing Plan

by Strom Engineering

Strikes can happen, and when they do, preparations and planning are critical. Labor disputes can have a significant impact on operations, productions, and overall business revenue, so it’s important to understand what to do and when to do it.

How To Create a Strike Staffing Plan

Strom is a complete-solution provider and partner for businesses seeking to address the unfortunate possibility of a labor disruption. Strom suggests a five-phase approach for mitigating the repercussions of a labor disruption.

1. Assessment

Undergo an assessment of your organization’s needs, determine where you need workers, and create a plan specific to your business.Strom can perform an assessment of your facilities and operations to generate a comprehensive contingency plan for your business

2. Recruiting

Locate and accommodating for qualified strike workers and finding the highest quality workers to assist in the chance of a job strike. Partnering with an experienced staffing agency like Strom Engineering will help you secure a pool of qualified workers to pull from.

3. Predeployment 

You’ll want to make sure any temporary staff is ready to start work immediately. Working with a staffing agency will mean that any training, medical evaluations, or other precursors for the role will be handled proactively. Pre-emptive deployment can also help ensure that temporary resources are prepared to fill critical positions as soon as they are requested.

4. Deployment

When a strike happens, it’s time to put the plan above into action.Thorough assessments and planning will provide you with a roadmap to deploy and implement an effective temporary workforce.

5. Disbandment

Following the necessary protocol for all the strike replacement, worker disbandment processes after a new labor contract has been approved. We'll have a plan for transitioning out temporary workers and transitioning back in your staff.

Reaching out to Strom for strike staffing services is the best course of action when a labor dispute occurs. The safety of your organization and all its assets are a top priority when working with our staffing agency.

Learn More About Our Staffing Services

Strom Engineering is a national staffing and recruitment agency, with a particular focus on manufacturing, engineering, assembly, and other trade positions. We match skilled candidates to temporary or project staffing positions. Learn more about how it works and check out our case studies for more information.

Want a stronger workforce to get the job done? Choose Strom.