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Strom Engineering: COVID-19 Response

by Strom Engineering

For the past couple of weeks, we have been monitoring the development of the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and have been adapting our business to best serve you while protecting the safety of the community at large. 

The Strom Engineering staff will remain available to our clients and national workforce in these challenging times. We want to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to all of our employees who have answered the call to help during this crisis. Scores of Strom work groups and teams have been activated and deployed into food production, distribution, paper, and other important industries. Our employees are doing a terrific job to bring everyone the needed foodstuffs and products necessary to endure this crisis. Most have left their homes and families and temporarily relocated to serve the needs of the nation.

We also want to thank all of our clients who are successfully executing contingency plans. Strom Engineering is proud to be a part of the planning and execution of these plans and we will continue to use our best efforts to fulfill all requests for contingency assistance in needed numbers and the right skill sets. Please contact us as soon as possible with your contingent worker needs. We continue to process requests as we receive them, and deploy workgroups as rapidly as possible wherever needed across the US.

If you have questions about how your communication with us will look for now, please reach out. We hope to make this a seamless transition while protecting the health of our staff, families and community. 

We’ll continue to monitor developments and will keep everyone updated on changes in our operation. Thank you.



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