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Planning for Crisis Staffing in 2024

by Strom Engineering

If there’s one thing that’s expected, it’s the unexpected. If 2023 taught us anything, it’s that businesses shouldn’t be asking “if” a crisis will happen, but “when” the next crisis will happen. That’s why it will be critical in 2024 to plan for the unexpected to avoid disruption.

Why is Crisis Planning Important?

Crisis planning aims to create a plan that your business can execute when a situation arises that takes out a huge chunk of your workforce. Without a plan in place, you’re reacting and scrambling - which often means inefficiencies and drastically increased cost. 

With a crisis plan, you have a template to follow when an event happens, so you’re proactively addressing a situation. 

What to Plan for in 2024

We expect that 2024 will include several crises that will impact multiple industries. We recommend updating your crisis plan to anticipate for the following:

  • Striking - 2023 saw many industry-wide strikes, and we anticipate that this will continue into 2024 as industries and employees continue to react to economic shifts.
  • Illness - We expect to see spikes of communicable illnesses in 2024. The flu always emerges seasonally, and COVID-19 remains a health threat.
  • Economic Influences" - Volatile economic factors, including inflation, will continue to influence decision-makers in 2024.

These crises will continue to present a problem in 2024. The key is creating a proactive plan.

How to Create a Crisis Plan: Free Guide

cover of the how to prepare for strike and crisis staffing ebookLearn How To Create A Strike & Crisis Plan

Strikes and crises can happen, and when they do, preparations and planning are critical. Labor disputes can have a significant impact on operations, production, and overall business revenue, so it’s important to understand what to do and when to do it.

Strom Engineering is a complete solution provider and partner for businesses seeking to address the unfortunate possibility of a labor disruption.

Strom suggests a five-phase approach for mitigating the repercussions of a labor disruption. Download our free ebook to learn more! This guide includes:

  • We walk you through how to create a strike and staffing plan.
  • What are the benefits of working with a strike and crisis staffing agency?
  • What to look for when choosing a strike and staffing agency.
  • What it's like working with Strom as your strike and staffing agency.


Download the Guide

Strom Engineering is a national staffing and recruitment agency, with a particular focus on manufacturing, engineering, assembly, and other trade positions. We match skilled candidates to temporary or project staffing positions. Learn more about how it works and check out our case studies for more information.

Want a stronger workforce to get the job done? Choose Strom.