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How to Find Machinist Jobs Online

by Strom Engineering

If you’re a machinist, you know that it’s not an exciting process to look for a new position. Don’t worry, there are ways you can make things easier on yourself.

Here are some ways you can maximize your chances at success when searching for a new machinist position:

Get Qualified

If you’re just getting into the machine operating industry, there are a few things you’ll have to take care of to begin your job search. First, you’ll have to find an apprenticeship program where you’ll learn the ins and outs as an apprentice. Learning technical skills, the basics of machining, CAD, the manufacturing process, and welding processes are all courses you should expect to take.

After your apprenticeship, you’ll want to get certified. There are many different certifications that you can acquire, but they are mostly based on what type of machinery you specialize in. The most important certification you’ll want is the NIMS or National Institute of Metalworking Skills.

Getting these qualifications will make finding a quality machining job much easier.

Develop a Strategy

Once you’ve got all the education and certifications out of the way, you can now think about what your plan of action will be. You’ll want to start by prioritizing your options. You can ask yourself questions such as:

  • What industry do I want to work in?
  • What is important to me about the job itself?
  • What benefits am I looking for?
  • Is this job right for me?

Answering these questions will give you a better idea of what you want to look for in your search. Developing a game plan before you start will allow you to weed out any unfavorable positions, providing you with a clear road map of where you want to end up.

Start Your Search

There are many ways you can start your search. You can hop on Google and do a quick search for jobs in your area or utilize a job search website. But most of these options are much too broad to find the job you’re looking for.

For a more specialized approach, you can reach out to a recruiter like Strom Engineering. If you want to make things easier on yourself, reaching out to a recruiter is probably the best route. A recruiter will lay out your options based on what you want with your job. They’ll then connect you with a company that correlates with your wants and needs, creating a smooth and easy job searching process.

Need more help looking for a Machinist position? Check out what Strom Engineering has to offer, with all sorts of positions at the tip of your fingers!

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Strom Engineering is a national staffing and recruitment agency, with a particular focus on manufacturing, engineering, assembly, and other trade positions. We match skilled candidates to temporary or project staffing positions. Learn more about how it works and check out our case studies for more information.

Photo by James from Pexels

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