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Don’t Wait for the Holiday Rush – Hire Seasonal Employees NOW!

by Strom Engineering

The holiday season is coming fast, and if you haven’t started hiring your seasonal employees – it may be a good time to start.

Seasonal workers help with the increase in demand, but they also bring in their own set of challenges. Getting ahead and starting the search for your seasonal workers before the “holiday rush” will help save you time, money, and resources within your business.

Don’t Wait for the Holiday Rush – Start Hiring Now

Waiting too long to hire your seasonal employees can pose a few different problems for you and your business. Here’s why you should hire seasonal employees starting in September and October.

Benefits of Hiring Seasonal Workers Earlier

Less demand now = more employees to choose from, and at a lower cost

Waiting to hire your seasonal employees can be a costly mistake. Along with other factors, you’ll end up paying more for your employees due to the higher demand for employees from other companies within the industry.

Getting ahead and starting your process BEFORE the seasonal rush is recommended to help you find the best employees at a reasonable rate. You’ll be able to hire freely without having to worry about training and onboarding costs, and you can weed out unfavorable candidates.

A common but expensive that businesses waiting too long to hire is needing to then lower the standards for seasonal workers. This can have a ripple effect on your entire production process. You may end up having to spend more time and money on training or replacing employees who don’t possess the skills you ideally want.

Along with that, these lower-standard hires can have a trickle-down effect that can hurt the productivity and morale of your full-time employees.

More time for training

Getting ahead and hiring before the holiday rush will give you more time to properly train employees rather than throwing them into the deep end to sink or swim.

Taking more time to properly train new hires will help with overall productivity and keeps things running smoothly. After all, the cost of training can be outweighed by the further cost of wages and materials.

Prep for the busy time

A huge reason why many businesses wait to hire seasonal employees is that they anticipate a huge workload toward the end of the year, so they image that’s when they’ll need more employees. While this is true, it’s also a bit of a flawed way of looking at your production schedule.

Instead, if you’re able to start prepping before the busy time hits, you can eliminate points of friction and create processes so your teams are able to brace against the incoming flood of work. You want to get your seasonal employees in now before it gets too busy, so you can wrap up their training and get them working on processes that will help the busy time go a lot smoother.

In short – starting now means you’ll get out ahead of your other competitors who are all hiring toward the end of the year. This means better qualified employees and a lower cost, more time for training, and the ability to think ahead and plan.

How To Find Seasonal Employees Now

Working with a temporary staffing agency has several benefits for finding seasonal employees. Along with the faster time to hire, you also have a larger talent pool to work with. Candidates are always lined up wherever needed and getting access to these candidates proves to be beneficial when trying to hire for a position.

→ Read Now: 8 Benefits of Working with a Staffing Agency

It’s rarely ever good practice to wait until the last minute, and the same goes for hiring seasonal employees. Getting a head start and starting your search before the big holiday rush will help both you and your business in the long run.

Contact our team to help prepare for your business during the holiday hiring rush!

Strom Engineering is a national staffing and recruitment agency, with a particular focus on manufacturing, engineering, assembly, and other trade positions. We match skilled candidates to temporary or project staffing positions. Learn more about how it works and check out our case studies for more information.

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