Some of the common questions we get from job applicants are about forklift certification. They want to know if they need to be forklift certified to apply to jobs - for most Strom Engineering jobs, the answer is no - or if they can get forklift certified on the job?
The answer to the second question is “it depends.” In this blog, let’s explore that question in detail so you know what to expect when working a temp job.
What is Forklift Certification?
In many ways, forklift certification is like a driver’s license: it’s proof that you have the training and experience to operate equipment. Forklift certification is certified by employers - this means that while you can start a job with previous certification, your employer will still need to verify your certification.
Do You Have to Be Certified to Operate a Forklift?
Yes - the Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA 1910.178 (i)(6)) requires all forklift operators be certified before operating a lift truck or warehouse product.
Can I Get Forklift Certified On the Job?
This is where we go back to the “it depends” answer. Since Strom Engineering typically hires for temporary jobs, that’s what we’ll focus on with our answer. For a vast majority of temporary jobs, you will not be able to be forklift certified on the job. The big reason for that is that most temporary jobs are not going to require forklift operation. Additionally, it’s not cost-effective for an organization to get forklift certification for temporary employees who will not be with the company long-term.
The flip side of that is that you do not need forklift certification to apply for temporary jobs.
If you want to pursue temp jobs with forklift certification, you will need to pursue certification yourself. That may or may not be the best path, depending on your career goals. If you’re unsure, contact a Strom recruiter to discuss.
Strom hires seasonal, temporary, and long-term employees for top companies in manufacturing. Browse our open jobs by industry to get started.

Strom Engineering is a national staffing and recruitment agency, with a particular focus on manufacturing, engineering, assembly, and other trade positions. We match skilled candidates to temporary or project staffing positions. Learn more about how it works and check out our case studies for more information.